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Suprising Myths And Facts About Salt

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Fact: One shouldn't have more than 2,300 mg of salt per day or 1,500 mg per day depending on age and other characteristics

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Fact: Sodium is key in the operation of all signals within the cells, as well as to and from, the brain

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Fact: There is about 35 grams of salts mostly, sodium chloride in a litre of seawater

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Fact: Both sea salt and table salt are primarily made up of sodium chloride, and both should be consumed in moderation

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Myth: Eliminate sodium completely for good health. Well, it's wrong as sodium is essential for controlling blood pressure

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Myth: High levels of sodium are only found in food. Well, some over the counter medications contain high levels of sodium

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Myth: Your body doesn't need salt every day. Our body actually needs 200 mg of salt per day

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Myth: Salt isn't important in baking. In reality, salt is actually one of the most important ingredients in baking

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