Tips To Cut
 Food Intake

By: Nikita Nikhil

Image Credit: Pexels

Ultra-processed foods could sabotage your health goals. Here are tips for taking a break from ultra-processed foods and working towards your well-being instead.

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1. Read Labels

Develop a habit of reading food labels. Look for products that have minimal ingredients to avoid consuming preservatives and artificial flavours.

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2. Choose Whole Foods 

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While grocery shopping, fill your cart with fresh fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts, etc. These foods are packed with nutrients and essential vitamins.

3. Cook At Home

Take charge of your meals and cook at home often. When you prepare food at home, you can alter the ingredients and cooking methods as per your preference.

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4. Limit Ready-To-Eat Foods

Reduce your dependence on frozen foods, pre-packaged snacks, and fast food. Ready-to-eat foods are packed with preservatives, sodium, and hidden sugars.

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Market-made drinks are loaded with artificial ingredients that can affect your weight and diet. Keep tabs on your beverage consumption and choice.

5. Keep Tabs On Beverages 

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For more such
tips and tricks

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