Tips To Make Chicken Wings Extra Crispy

By: Vaishali Kapila

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There's nothing quite as satisfying as biting into crispy chicken wings. However, achieving this texture at home can be challening. Follow these tips for extra crunch.

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1. Pat Dry The Wings

Chicken naturally contains moisture, which is why it is essential to pat dry the wings before cooking. You can use tissue paper for this purpose.

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2. Add Baking Powder

While preparing the marinade for the chicken wings, add a teaspoon of baking powder. This will help give them an irresistibly crispy coating.

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3. Cook On The Right Flame

For best results, always cook the chicken wings on a medium flame. This ensures even cooking and a nice, crispy texture.

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4. Double Fry

Double frying works like magic to make chicken wings crispy. After frying, pop them in the oil for a second fry and enjoy!

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5. Drain Excess Oil

It is important to drain excess oil from the chicken wings after cooking. If you skip this step, they won't remain as crispy.

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For the full recipe for crispy chicken wings

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