Tips To Make Perfect Punjabi Kadhi Every Time

By: Neha Grover

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Mastering Punjabi Kadhi can be a culinary delight, but it's all about getting the details right. Check out these tips for perfecting your dish!

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1. Adjust Thickness

If your kadhi is too thick, add hot water gradually and let it simmer. This simple fix will give your kadhi the perfect consistency.

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2. Fix Runny Kadhi

To thicken a runny kadhi, mix corn-starch with hot water and stir it in. Boil briefly, and you'll achieve the ideal thickness.

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3. Fry Pakodas Properly

Ensure pakodas are golden and crispy. Heat oil well, fry on medium flame, and cook in small batches for the best texture.

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4. Cook On Low Flame

Cook kadhi on low flame to prevent curdling. Stir occasionally to avoid burning and maintain a smooth, creamy texture.

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5. Use Fresh Ingredients

Choose fresh dahi for a tangy and flavorful kadhi. Quality ingredients make a noticeable difference in taste and texture.

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Punjabi Kadhi Recipe:

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