Tips To Make Perfectly Soft Rasmalai 

By: Vaishali Kapila

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Rasmalai tastes best when it's soft and creamy. If you struggle to achieve this texture at home, here are some easy tips to help you master the art of making rasmalai. 

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1. Use Full-Fat Milk

When making rasmalai, make sure to use full-fat milk. This will help make your rasmalai extra creamy and smooth, just as you desire.

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2. Use The Right Utensil

Another thing to keep in mind while making rasmalai is to use a heavy-bottomed pan. This ensures even cooking and perfect results. 

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3. Stir The Milk

It is essential to stir the milk occasionally while it's boiling. If you don't, there is a high chance that the milk will stick to the bottom of the pan.

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4. Add Lemon Juice

Once the milk cools down after boiling, add a few drops of lemon juice. This will help curdle the milk, which is required to make chenna.

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5. Squeeze Excess Water

Always squeeze out excess water from the chenna. If the chenna has too much water, your rasmalai will end up extremely hard. 

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For the complete recipe for rasmalai

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