Tips To Store Coffee Powder

By: Payal

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Coffee powder can turn into a rock if you don't store it right. So, let's break down some must-know tips to keep your coffee fresh & tasty. You won't want to miss these!

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1. Keep It Out of the Fridge

Don't put your coffee in the fridge! The fridge is like the rainforest of your kitchen-super humid. That moisture can make your coffee stale.

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2. Seal It Up Tight

For the freshest coffee, keep it in an airtight jar. Make sure there's no moisture sneaking in - nobody wants lumpy coffee powder.

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3. Dry Place is Key

Store your coffee somewhere dry and cool. And hey, always use a clean, dry spoon when you scoop some out. No one likes damp coffee powder.

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4. Check Those Dates

Always look at the packaging and expiry date when you're picking up coffee from the store. Freshness matters!

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5. Use It Fast

Try to use up your coffee within a month of buying it. If it's pre-ground, aim to finish it within a week for the best flavour.

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