Unknown Health Benefits Of Mango

By: Jigyasa Kakwani

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Mango is called the 'king of fruits' for a reason. This summer fruit is juicy and healthy. Remember to follow portion control and reap these health benefits:

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1. Natural Energy Booster

Mangoes provide natural sugars, fibre, and vitamins, giving you a quick energy boost without crashes.

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2. Good For Heart Health

Mango contains magnesium and potassium, which help maintain a healthy blood flow. However, avoid eating too many mangoes.

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3. Reduces Wrinkles

Research shows that mangiferin, a mango antioxidant, may prevent premature skin ageing and reduce wrinkles.

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4. Supports Gut Health

Mangoes are natural prebiotic. A study in Molecular Nutrition and Food Research found that mango fibre improves digestion.

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5. Healthy For Eyes

High in lutein, zeaxanthin and vitamin A, mangoes protect the eyes from blue light damage. 

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6. Boosts Immunity

Mangoes contain high levels of vitamins A, C, and E, which may help improve immune system function.

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Click below for yummy mango recipes.

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