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Uses And Benefits Of Cucumbers

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A cucumber is a long and lean fruit having a slight melon-like taste. It has a lot of water content which helps in keeping us hydrated

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It is best to consume a cucumber without peeling off its skin. It can be used in salads, sandwiches and in curd. You can also make creamy cucumber soup

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Enriched with antioxidants, essential nutrients, and minerals, a cucumber is also good for healthy skin. There are different ways to use it for skin, eyes and hair 

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Cucumber can also alleviate sunburn. Applying its slices directly to skin helps in reducing swelling and irritation 

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Cucumber also supports bone health. It has Vitamin K which helps in improving calcium absorption 

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Cucumber contains cucurbitacin which helps in preventing cancer. It has a lot of fiber content which specifically helps in protecting against colorectal cancer 

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