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Vegetarian Sources Of Vitamin D

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Deficiency of Vitamin D may lead to health issues like fatigue, muscle pain, weak bone and much more. To avoid these issues try out these vegetarian sources of Vitamin D

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Mushrooms are a rich source of Vitamin D for all the vegetarians. So adding mushrooms to your diet can never go wrong

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Plant-based milk such as almond, soy etc, works pretty well in providing you a perfect amount of calcium along with Vitamin D

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Cheese lovers can now enjoy having cheese without feeling guilty later. It comes packed with Vitamin D and is considered to be the yummiest and healthy food item

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Cereals are not only considered to be the healthiest option for breakfast, but also tops the list in providing perfect amount of Vitamin D to our body

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Yogurt is another option for all the vegetarians out there who seek a dose of essential Vitamin D. It makes for a flavorsome treat

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