Ways To Check Purity Of Spices In Your Kitchen

By: Somdatta Saha

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Adulteration and contamination of spices have been a major concern across the globe. We got some tips to find if the spices at home are safe.

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1. For chilli powder

Rub a pinch of chilli powder on palm, mixing with water. If the texture feels gritty, the spice is adulterated.

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2. For hing

To test hing, place it over the stove. Pure hing should immediately catch fire and burn with a bright flame. 

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3. For cumin

Take a handful of cumin and rub them. If they turn black, they are likely adulterated.

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4. For turmeric

Pure turmeric powder will settle down slowly when dissolved in water.

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5. For black pepper

Good quality black pepper will sink when placed in water. The adulterated ones will have papaya seeds floating on top.

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For more such kitchen tips

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