Morning Rituals That May Aid Weight Loss

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Mornings are the best time you can capitalise on to lose weight. Try these seven early morning rituals for weight loss and dive into your fitness journey.

Drink Warm Water

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Starting your day with a glass of warm water cleanses the digestive system and improves metabolism. Make sure the water is lukewarm and not hot.

Grab Your Water Bottle

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Now that you have kickstarted the day on a hydrating note, don't, for a moment, loose the trail. Staying hydrated through the day promotes weight loss.

Say No To Caffeine

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Don't start your day by loading your body with caffeine from tea or coffee. Have warm lemon water, herbal tea and fresh fruit juices instead.

Breakfast Time With Nutrients

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Make sure your breakfast is rich in proteins and fibres. This is because protein tends to take longer to digest and keeps you sated for long.

Pack A Snack For Later

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Done with your healthy round of breakfast? Now pack a healthy snack for the day too. Your body works like a machine and needs refueling every few hours.

Look for Sugar Alternatives

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Ditch foods that are high on refined sugar. Too much of sugar go on and store themselves as excess fat.

Plan The Day's Diet

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Decide and prepare for all the meals you want to have throughout the day so that you can have everything ready to put out healthy food.

For more diet tips 

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