For people on strict diets, eating meat in proper moderation as part of their meal plan can be healthy
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But consuming too much of meat, particularly meats high in saturated fats, can lead to various health conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, bad cholesterol levels
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Consuming a high-protein meat for a meal can lead to excessive perspiration because the body has to exert some energy into digesting
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Presence of saturated fats in meats can increase acne production. Consuming too much red meat can also lead to hair loss
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Consuming too much meat can also lead to constipation and painful bowel movement, as it hardly contains any fiber
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Consuming high-protein meat can cause the kidneys to produce more concentrated urine, thus causing dehydration
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Eating a lot of red and processed meat raises risk of bowel cancer. It is also linked to a 7 per cent higher risk of heart and circulatory diseases
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Meats are generally high in energy and fat content. They are also associated with higher risk of obesity