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Why A Growing Child's Diet Must Include Millets?

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Mostly gluten-free and non-acidic, millets are a powerhouse of nutrients. They are the healthiest of grains when it comes to weaning food and health requirements of growing kids

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Millet has been shown to produce lower blood sugar levels than wheat or rice. This prevents the risk of obesity in children

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Millets are high in protein. Hence, they help in  muscle growth and overall development of children

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Millets are easy to digest and packed with fiber, magnesium and complex carbs. They improve digestive health and reduces risks of anemia, and constipation in growing kids 

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Millets are also rich in magnesium. They help a lot in proper formation of bones and teeth in children

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Millets also have Niacin which helps in reducing cholesterol. It significantly
reduces the risk of heart diseases in future

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Millets are naturally gluten-free and can replace rice. This helps children diagnosed with celiac disease. Protein in millets also helps in muscle growth and development of kids

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Millets can fight malnutrition as they are dense in energy and include iron, zinc, magnesium, and Vitamin B

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