Benefits Of Eating Overnight Soaked Dry Fruits On An Empty Stomach

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We have understood that staying healthy demands eating dry fruits. From almonds, pistachios to rains, walnuts and others, dry fruits are a treasure trove of nutrients. 

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Dry fruits make for a delicious snacking option whenever you feel a little hungry. In comparison to regular fruits, they are easier to store and have a longer shelf life. 

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1. Dates

Soaking dates overnight before consuming can help boost the iron level in our body. It may also help improve the digestive system and strengthen our bones.

2. Almonds

Almonds are rich in protein, iron, phosphorus and fibre. Eating them every morning on an empty stomach can help boosting memory. 

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3. Figs

Figs not only strengthen the immunity system but also help recover from weakness. People with constipation issues must load-up on these humble dry fruits 

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 Soaking raisins before consuming them is a healthier alternative as opposed to eating them. The skin of the raisins are packed with minerals and vitamins.

4. Raisins 

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5. Walnut

Walnuts help improve brain function as they are packed with calcium, iron, copper and zinc. Soaked walnuts help increase metabolism, and control blood sugar levels. 

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To sum up, adding dry fruits such as almonds, raisins, walnuts and more to your diet can provide you with a treasure trove of essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients

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