10 Heat-Producing Foods To Be Mindful Of In Summer

By: Nikita Nikhil

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Some foods naturally increase body heat, which can cause discomfort during hot weather. Here are 10 foods to have in moderation in summer for a more refreshing diet.

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1. Peanuts

Peanuts produce heat and can make you feel warm and dehydrated. Excessive consumption in summer may result in breakouts and digestive issues.

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2. Walnuts

Packed with nutrients, walnuts can increase body temperature. Eating too many in summer might cause discomfort, so it's best to enjoy them in moderation.

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3. Tamarind

Tamarind adds tanginess to dishes but can also generate heat. Too much of it may lead to acidity, so balance it with cooling foods.

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4. Lentils

Lentils like Urad and Tur dal are great for protein but can cause body heat. Choose lighter dals like moong in summer to keep the digestion smooth.

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5. Oranges

Though refreshing, oranges are acidic and can increase body heat. Overeating them in summer might lead to mouth ulcers or acidity issues.

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6. Eggplant

Eggplant has natural warming properties, which can lead to internal heat buildup. Reducing its intake during hot weather can help balance body temperature.

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7. Eggs

Eggs are packed with protein but can take longer to digest, generating body heat. It's best to eat them in moderation and pair them with cooling foods.

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8. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are hydrating but can raise body temperature due to acidity. Eating too many raw tomatoes in summer may cause digestive discomfort.

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9. Banana

Ripe bananas can produce a lot of heat when consumed in excess. Choose watery fruits like melons can be a better alternative in summer.

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10. Corn

Corn is a staple grain but takes longer to digest, increasing body heat. Eat it in smaller portions to prevent feeling overly warm.

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To know which foods to have to avoid dehydration, click here:

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