By: Jigyasa Kakwani
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Pomegranates are full of red, juicy seeds - loaded with delicious flavour and multiple nutritional benefits.
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There is no right or wrong way to remove the seeds from a pomegranate. However, there are two styles that can make it enjoyable and effortless.
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Take the pomegranate and roll it on the kitchen slab for 30 seconds. Then, slice the pomegranate horizontally into half.
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Now hold a half in your palm and place a big bowl below. Hammer the top using a spatula and all the kernels will start dropping out. Enjoy!
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First, make a square, skin-deep cut at the top of a pomegranate and remove it. Now, cut down (not deep) to the side of each membrane vertically.
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Gently break it apart and use your thumbs to remove the seeds easily. Enjoy the soothing process.
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Click here for yummy ways to enjoy a pomegranate
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