5 Anti-Ageing Foods for Men to Stay Fit

By: Payal

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Your diet plays a major role in your overall health, especially after 40. Both men and women need to take care of their health, but men often overlook the impact of food on ageing.

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If you are noticing signs of ageing and want to slow the process while staying fit, here are some anti-ageing foods that can help.

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1. Tomato

Tomatoes are good for an anti-ageing. They are rich in lycopene, a powerful phytochemical that supports healthy skin and helps maintain a youthful appearance.

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2. Fish

Fish is an excellent option. It is packed with high-quality, digestible protein that improves skin texture and reduces fine lines.

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3. Nuts

Nuts are loaded with omega-6 fatty acids, essential vitamins, and nutrients that keep the body youthful. They also promote skin hydration and overall vitality.

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4. Berries

Berries are rich in antioxidants and flavonoids, both of which help combat ageing. They are also packed with vitamin C, which strengthens collagen.

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5. Yoghurt/Curd

Yoghurt is a fantastic source of protei n &is low in calories. It contains riboflavin, phosphorus, & calcium, which support digestion, metabolism, & gut health.

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