5 Benefits Of
Eating Raw Onion

By: Somdatta Saha

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Raw onion is common in every desi salad platter. Although some may dislike its pungent scent, consuming raw onion has numerous benefits. Let's take you through.

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1. Boost Immunity

It is an excellent source of vitamin C, generating white blood cells that defend the body against bacteria and viruses.

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2. Aid Digestion

The fibre in raw onion enhances the absorption of nutrients and prevents various gut-related ailments. 

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3. Promote Heart Health

It is enriched with antioxidants like quercetin, which assist in decreasing bad cholesterol levels in the body, aiding heart health.

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4. Boost Skin Health

Onion's antioxidants and vitamin C may help reduce wrinkles, age spots, and pigmentation levels, leading to healthy skin.

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5. Promote Brain Functions

It contains sulphur compounds, which increase the production of neurotransmitters in the brain, leading to improved memory. 

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Here's how to store onions so that they last longer.

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