5 Best Substitutes For Nutmeg

By: Vaishali Kapila

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Did you run out of nutmeg in the middle of cooking? Fret not! Your kitchen pantry contains numerous ingredients that make for excellent substitutes for the spice.

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1. Garam Masala

Garam masala works as an excellent replacement for nutmeg. This is because it is made using different spices, including nutmeg.

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2. Cinnamon

Cinnamon shares many similarities with nutmeg. It is slightly sweet in taste and replicates the flavour of nutmeg wonderfully. 

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3. Allspice Powder

You can also use allspice powder in place of nutmeg. Use an equal amount of allspice powder as you would nutmeg in your recipe.

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4. Ginger

Did you know you can also replace nutmeg with ginger? Its spicy flavour makes it a great substitute for nutmeg in savoury dishes.

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5. Cloves

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Cloves also mimic the flavour of nutmeg effortlessly. Use ground cloves for the best results, and start by adding a small amount.

To learn more about such food substitutes

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