5 Collagen-Rich Fruits For Healthy And Glowing Skin

By: Payal

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A good diet is the foundation of healthy, glowing skin. But did you know that collagen is the key protein that keeps your skin looking firm and youthful?

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Here are five collagen-boosting fruits that can help keep your skin soft, supple, and healthy.

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1. Berries

Strawberries, and blueberries are packed with vitamin C, a nutrient that supports collagen production. These tiny fruits can help improve skin elasticity.

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2. Grapefruit

This fruit is great source of vitamin C, a key player in collagen formation. Including grapefruit in your diet can contribute to healthier, more radiant skin.

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 3. Avocado

Avocados are famous for their skin-loving nutrients. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which may help enhance collagen production & keep your skin hydrated.

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4. Oranges

Oranges act as a natural shield against skin damage caused by pollution. Adding them to your diet may help maintain an even skin tone & boost collagen levels.

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5. Lemons

Lemons are packed with vitamin C, which helps repair damaged skin cells and promotes collagen synthesis. 

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Click here to learn about fruits you must have in your 40s.

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