5 Different Styles To Cut And Serve Mango

By: Vaishali Kapila

Image Credit: Pixabay

Mangoes are loved for their sweet and tangy flavour. If you're a mango lover, here are five different cutting styles that will make your mango-eating experience more fun.

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1. Mango Slices

This is the most common way to enjoy mangoes. Simply take a mango half in your palm and cut it into slices lengthwise.

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2. Mango Cubes

Make vertical and horizontal cuts on a peeled mango. Run the knife close to the pit so that the cubes become detached.

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3. Mango Hedgehog

In this cutting style, make cuts in the fleshy half of the peel. Then, pop out the cubes by pushing the skin underneath the slice.

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4. Mango Cup And Spoon

Slice off two semicircles from both sides of the pit. Scoop out small portions from the mango halves using a spoon and enjoy!

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5. Mango Julienne

Take a fleshy semicircle part and start slicing it thinly. Stack these slices on top of one another and cut the mango into julienne strips.

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For delicious mango recipes, click below

Image Credit: Pixabay
