5 Different Types Of Oats To Try

By: Vaishali Kapila

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Oats have emerged as a superfood, and there are several types worth exploring. Swipe to discover the most popular varieties you should know about and try.

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1. Whole Oats

Whole oats are not broken and are in their purest form. They're perfect for dishes where you want their texture to stand out.

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2. Rolled Oats

To make rolled oats, whole oats are steamed and dehusked and then rolled into flat flakes under heavy rollers, giving them a unique shape.

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3. Steel-Cut Oats

Also known as Irish oats, steel-cut oats are chopped into two or three pieces with a steel blade. They are particularly rich in fibre.

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4. Quick Oats

Quick oats are similar to rolled oats but are thinner and have a larger surface area. You can add them to pancakes and smoothies.

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5. Instant Oats

As the name suggests, these oats are ready to eat in just a few minutes, perfect for when you're in a hurry. Remember to soak them in water.

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For delicious oat recipes

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