5 Drinks To Add To Your Weight Loss Diet

By: Jigyasa Kakwani

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If you are planning to lose weight, swap sugary beverages in your diet with these healthier, low-calorie alternatives to accelerate your weight loss journey.

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1. Soaked Fenugreek Water

As per Ayurveda Expert Dr. Ashutosh Gautam, "Regular consumption of methi dana generates heat in the body which helps in managing and losing weight."

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2. Aliv Seeds Milk

As per Nutritionist Suhani Jain, mixing soaked aliv seeds in milk and drinking it before bedtime may help "keep you full and control unwanted hunger pangs."

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3. Green Tea

Consultant Nutritionist Rupali Datta shares, "Green tea is full of antioxidants, particularly catechins, which help with fat oxidation even when you're at rest."

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4. Cucumber Lemon Water

Nutritionist Simran Vohra vouches for this drink, which she believes cuts belly fat. Combine lemon, lime juice, mint leaves, cucumber, water and ginger.

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5. Fruit-Infused Water

As per weight loss expert JJ Smith, "You cannot successfully lose weight without drinking lots of water!" She recommends adding fruits to water for flavour.

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For Weight Loss-Friendly Recipes

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