5 Easy Tips for Perfectly Fluffy Suji Appe

By: Payal

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Soft and fluffy appe is a South Indian breakfast favourite, but making it at home can be tricky. Here's how to nail it every time with these simple tips.

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1. Pick Top-Notch Suji

The secret to great appe? High-quality semolina. Don't skimp on this-it's the foundation of your dish. Opt for the best suji you can find for perfect results.

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2. Water Wisely

The right batter consistency is key, so don't drown it in water. Add it in small amounts and keep mixing until you get the perfect texture.

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3. A Pinch of Baking Soda 

For that extra fluffiness, toss in a pinch of baking soda. It helps the batter rise and become soft and airy.

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Patience pays off! Let your batter ferment for a bit. This not only improves the texture but also boosts the flavour.

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4. Let It Ferment 

5. Cook On Medium Heat 

Cook your appe on medium heat. Too high, and they might overcook or turn tough. Keep it moderate for soft, golden perfection.

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