5 Easy Tips To Clean Your Belan

By: Vaishali Kapila

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Maintaining a clean belan is key to smooth rolling and hygienic cooking. Try these quick and easy cleaning hacks to keep your belan in top shape!

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1. Use Warm Water

Gently clean your belan with warm water to remove any dough residue without damaging the surface. Be sure to dry it immediately. 

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2. Vinegar Solution

To make this, mix one part vinegar with two parts water. This solution helps break down any stubborn spots while being gentle.

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3. Baking Soda + Water

Scrub your belan with baking soda and water to eliminate stubborn stains and odours. Let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it off.

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4. Lemon Juice + Water

Simply squeeze out lemon juice and mix it with water. Soak your belan in the prepared solution for a few minutes and then rinse nicely.

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5. Olive Oil Polish

Rub olive oil on your belan to restore its natural shine and prevent cracking over time. It also creates a protective layer against moisture.

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For more such interesting hacks

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