5 Easy Tips To Store Bananas

By: Payal

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Bananas are a go-to snack for many, but they can go mushy or develop those annoying black spots in no time. Don't worry, we've got some simple hacks to keep your bananas fresher for longer.

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1. Wrap in Aluminium Foil

This easy trick works like a charm! Separate the bananas from the bunch and wrap some aluminium foil around the stems. It slows down the ripening process.

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2. Avoid the Countertop

Don't just leave them lying around. Instead, hang them up! You can use a string to tie around the tops of the bananas and hang them in your kitchen.

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3. Keep Them Away from Other Fruits

Fruits like apples and tomatoes release ethylene gas, which can make your bananas ripen faster. Storing them separately will give them a longer shelf life.

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4. No Fridge, Please

Cold temperatures speed up spoiling. Leave your bananas out at room temperature in a dry spot, and they'll last longer.

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5. Pick the Right Bananas

When shopping, go for bananas that are a bit green or firm, with no spots. Overripe bananas won't last as long.

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