5 Easy Tips To Store Garlic

By: Payal

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Garlic is a kitchen staple that adds flavour to any dish. But if it's not stored properly, it can dry out or go bad quickly. Here are some tips to keep your garlic fresh for longer.

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1. Use Airtight Containers

Peel your garlic, place it in an airtight jar, & store it in the fridge. Ensure the jar is completely dry to avoid moisture, which can cause the garlic to spoil.

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2. Make A Paste

Blend garlic cloves into a smooth paste and store it in a glass jar. To extend its shelf life, add a little white vinegar before sealing the jar.

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3. Use Jute Bags

Jute bags are great for storing garlic. They allow airflow, which helps keep the cloves fresh and prevents them from spoiling too quickly.

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4. Use Cotton Cloth or Bag

If you don't have a jute bag, use a cotton cloth instead. Fold the cloth twice, place the garlic in the middle, bundle it up, & store it in a dry place.

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5. While Storing in a Basket

Avoid plastic bags-they trap moisture and can ruin your garlic. Instead, use a basket that allows airflow to keep the garlic fresh for longer.

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