Garlic is a star ingredient in our kitchen, used to enhance the flavour of food. Thanks to the taste and aroma of garlic, it's used in many ways beyond just seasoning dal and sabzi. Garlic not only adds a unique taste to food but is also known for its medicinal properties. Although garlic is available throughout the year, heat or other factors can cause it to spoil or dry out quickly. Since people often buy and store it in large quantities due to daily use, improper storage can lead to a loss of flavour. Here, we bring you some easy tips to store garlic, which will help keep it fresh for a long time. So, let's get to these tips without delay.
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Here Are 5 Easy Ways To Store Garlic Fresh For Longer:
Store in an Airtight Container
The best way to store garlic is to peel it, place it in an airtight jar, and store it in the fridge. This way, you can use it for up to a week. Ensure there's no moisture in the jar; otherwise, the garlic may spoil. This tip is handy for working women because peeling garlic can be time-consuming. In this case, just take out the pre-peeled garlic and use it.
Make a Paste and Refrigerate
If you use garlic daily in dal or vegetables, you can make a paste and store it in the refrigerator. Blend garlic cloves into a smooth paste and store it in a plastic or glass airtight jar. Remember, add a little white vinegar when storing it in the jar. This helps extend its shelf life.
Use Jute Bags
You can also use jute bags to store garlic. Jute bags allow airflow, which helps keep garlic fresh for a long time. Stored this way, garlic can last up to a year.
Use Cotton Cloth or Bag
You can use a cotton cloth bag if you don't have a jute bag. Alternatively, fold a cotton cloth twice, place the whole garlic in between, and make a bundle. Store it in a place with less light that is also cool.

Keep These Things in Mind
When storing garlic openly in the kitchen, place it in a basket. However, ensure that the basket allows airflow. After bringing garlic from the market, never leave it in a plastic bag, as it may spoil due to a lack of air circulation. Store only whole garlic in the basket. If you remove some cloves and store them, they will spoil more quickly.
So, the next time you store garlic, keep these tips in mind.