5 Easy Ways To Add Walnuts To Your Diet

By: Payal

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Walnuts are basically little nutrition bombs, and adding them to your daily diet is easier (and tastier) than you think. Here's how to do it.

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1. Banana Walnut Smoothie

This smoothie is like a morning hug in a glass. Blend soaked walnuts, a super-ripe banana, & a squeeze of honey. It's creamy, dreamy, & oh-so-good.

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2. Walnut Oatmeal Bowl

Start your day with oatmeal bowl. Crunchy walnuts add that perfect nutty kick, loaded with omega-3s & vitamins to fuel your morning.

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3. Walnut Kebab

Mix paneer, carrots, and spices with a generous handful of walnuts, and you've got yourself a savoury treat that steals the spotlight.

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4. Walnut Sauce

This sauce is a flavour explosion. Made with sesame seeds, garlic, and walnuts, it's the ultimate upgrade for your grilled veggies.

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5. Walnut Halwa

Made with ground walnuts, cucumber seeds, saffron, & dates, it's a dessert that's as healthy & irresistible.

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