5 Egg-Related Myths You Shouldn't Believe 

By: Somdatta Saha

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Boiled, scrambled, or fried, eggs are always delicious. However, the discourse around eggs can be controversial. We got some facts to dispel common myths about eggs.

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1. Eggs Are Bad For Heart

A Harvard Medical School study found that the cholesterol content in eggs doesn't directly risk your heart health.

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2. Don't Pair Eggs And Milk

Nutritionist Mehr Rajput says that both eggs and milk are rich in protein, making for a great meal to balance out your nutrient needs.

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3. Raw Eggs Add Protein

Nutritionist Rupali Datta says that raw eggs increase the risk of Salmonella bacteria production in the body. So, it is better to cook and eat.

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4. Wash Eggs Before Boiling

An article by the Government of South Australia explains that eggshells become more porous when wet, increasing the risks of contamination.

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5. Egg Yolk Increases Weight

Several global studies found that egg yolk causes no weight gain or weight loss. It is rich in nutrients and keeps you full for a long time.

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Learn about the most common mistakes people make while cooking eggs

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