5 Foods That Give A Taste Of Childhood Nostalgia

By: Jigyasa Kakwani

Image Credit: Pexels

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Food has the power to take you back to your childhood. Don't believe us? See for yourselves. Here are 5 foods that will take you back to the good-old-days:

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1. Cotton Candy

This was a favourite among all kids. The sweet candy has a cotton-like texture and would be sold by street vendors or at melas.

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2. Mint Candy Cigarettes

Children were fascinated by these cigarette-lookalike candies and would pretend to smoke while eating these mint-flavoured sticks.

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3. 90's Birthday Party Platter

Nothing is more nostalgic than the combination of pineapple cake with noodles and salted chips, served at 90's birthday parties.

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4. Ice Lollies And Chuskis

Most kids were only occasionally allowed to indulge in ice candies and would make the most of this opportunity by enjoying every bite.

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5. Aam Pappad

Another tangy snack kids often enjoyed secretly with their best friends were these small, sweet-and-sour candies sold by local vendors.

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Click below to take a look back at more childhood food memories:

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