5 Foolproof Ways To Store Tomatoes

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We all love using tomatoes in our salads, sandwiches and cooking, but sometimes we can't finish them all before they start to spoil.

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Fortunately, there are some simple and effective ways to keep your tomatoes fresh for longer. Try these quick and easy storage methods and your taste buds will thank you!

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1. Sieve Tomatoes

Cook the tomatoes until soft, just as you do for frozen tomatoes. Sieve the puree to remove the seeds and preserve the pulp in an airtight container.

2. Sundried Tomatoes

Sundried tomatoes are a natural way to dehydrate and dry tomatoes to increase their shelf life. They are perfect for use in salads, pasta, and pizzas.

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3. Ferment Cherry Tomatoes

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Mix two cups of water & one tbsp of salt together, then place two cups of tomatoes in a jar & pour the salty water mix over them.

Tomato powder adds flavour to any dish. Thinly slice tomatoes and dry them until crisp. Grind the dried slices into a fine powder and store them in a jar.

4. Make Tomato Powder

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Boil the tomatoes for ten mins to loosen the skin, then peel the skin off. Chop them or make a puree, then store them in an airtight container in the freezer.

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5. Frozen Tomatoes

These methods are simple and convenient ways to preserve tomatoes at home and extend their shelf life. Give them a try and enjoy the delicious taste of fresh
tomatoes .

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Image Credit: Pexels

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