5 Fun Watermelon Cocktails For Summer

By: Jigyasa Kakwani

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Make the best of summer by using the refreshing watermelons to add a fruity and juicy punch to your favourite cocktails. Here are our recommendations:

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1. Watermelon Margarita

Watermelon and tequila make a fantastic margarita. Mix tequila, lime juice, watermelon juice, and mint in a cocktail shaker.

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2. Watermelon Sangria

Add watermelon juice, chilled white wine, white rum, lime juice and pieces of frozen fruits like pineapple, blueberries, and strawberries.

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3. Watermelon Mint Mojito

If Mojito is your favourite cocktail, combine watermelon juice, mint leaves, lime juice, light rum, and club soda. Enjoy!

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4. Watermelon Mimosa

Add a fruity and cooling punch to your summer brunches. Blend watermelon cubes, lime juice, and sugar. Strain and add champagne.

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5. Watermelon Pina Colada

For tropical vibes, do not forget the Pina coladas. Follow the Pina colada recipe with white rum and pineapple, and add frozen watermelon.

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For Mango-Based Cocktail Recipes, Click Here
