5 Health Benefits Of Rice You Didn't Know

By: Jigyasa Kakwani

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Everybody loves eating rice but many see it as a high-carb food that will only lead to weight gain. However, rice is packed with multiple benefits we may not know. Take a look:

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1. Provides Energy

Our body needs energy to perform all function. Rice can provide an instant energy boost as it is rich in carbs. Remember to follow portion control.

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2. Gluten-Free

Rice is gluten-free and is a good source of carbohydrates for people with gluten intolerance who cannot consume wheat, rye and barley.

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3. Easy To Digest

Rice is easy to digest, making it an ideal food for people with digestive issues. Dahi-khichri is an Indian staple meal for digestive distress.

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4. Rich In Antioxidants

Rice contains antioxidants that help reduce oxidative stress and protect the body against free radicals.

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5. Managing Blood Sugar

Switching to brown rice can help people with diabetes control their blood sugar. It can also help to maintain a healthy weight.

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