5 Mistakes That Might Ruin Homemade Kulfi

By: Somdatta Saha

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Have you been trying to make kulfi at home and not getting the desired result? Is your homemade kulfi lacking firmness? Here are some mistakes you must avoid.

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1. Use the right type of milk

Since it is the key ingredient, there's no way you can compromise on it. You must use milk with a high fat content.

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2. Don't overcook the milk

Always cook it over a low-medium flame to maintain better control. The goal is to simmer it until it reaches a boil.

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3. Be generous with flavours

If you compromise or hesitate, your kulfi might taste good but lack that element of the ones you get at ice cream shops.

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4. Use the right mold size

Ensure that the molds you are using are large enough to accommodate all your kulfi mixture. Never overfill them.

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5. Freeze kulfi properly

Kulfi should be frozen for 5 to 6 hours. If you leave it for longer, there is a high chance it'll become too hard.

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For a homemade kulfi recipes

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