5 Mistakes To Avoid While Making Curd Rice

By: Somdatta Saha

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Curd rice is the ultimate comfort food. It might seem simple, but a few common blunders can totally mess it up. Don't worry, we've got your back!

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1. Never Undercook Rice

For perfect texture, make sure to cook the rice a bit longer than usual. This way, it blends seamlessly with the curd.

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2. Avoid Using Leftover Rice

Leftover rice can become tough and chewy. If you have extra rice, add a bit of water when reheating to keep it soft.

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3. Never Use Hot Rice

Hot rice and curd don't mix well - it can make the curd curdle and separate. Let the rice cool down before mixing in the curd.

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4. Don't Add Tadka Too Soon 

Adding tadka too early can spoil the flavour and cause the water (whey) to separate. Give it time before mixing it in.

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5. Don't Use Stale Curd

Fresh curd is key to making great curd rice! Homemade curd is even better, so make sure it's fresh and delicious.

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Want to master the art of curd rice?

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