5 Natural Mouth Fresheners In Your Kitchen

By: Neha Grover

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Did you know your kitchen holds a wealth of ingredients that can leave your breath feeling crisp and fresh? Here Are 5 foods that are natural mouth fresheners. 

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1. Mint

Crunching on fresh mint leaves doesn't just make your mouth feel refreshed and revitalised but also helps to counteract odours.

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2. Lemon

Add lemon juice to a glass of water and swirl it around your mouth to help invigorate your breath. Don't use too much, as the acidity in lemon can harm tooth enamel.

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3. Coriander

This herb contains chlorophyll, which functions as a natural mouth deodoriser. Nibbling on fresh coriander after a meal can help fight against unpleasant breath.

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4. Cardamom

Cardamom contains compounds that combat bad breath. Munch on a couple of cardamom pods after meals for a delightful breath freshener.

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5. Fennel Seeds

In India, chewing on fennel seeds, or saunf, is a customary practice after meals. They assist in digestion and naturally freshen your breath.

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To know more such natural mouth fresheners

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