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5 Surprising Benefits of Apple

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Apples are delicious and nutritious,  Whether you have them as is in the middle of a work-filled day or as part of salads, smoothies, pies or desserts, apples rarely disappoint. 


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Apples are loaded with vitamin C that boosts immunity. They also consist of healthy polyphenol antioxidants that are essential for overall health. 

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1. Good for Diabetics

Experts suggests that apples lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes because of a class of antioxidants called Anthocyanin.

2. Aids Weight Loss

Pectin fibre helps lower the body's absorption of excess dietary fats.The rich quantum of fiber found in apples also helps you feeling full for longer.

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3. Enables Smoother Digestion

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In addition to weight loss pectin fibre also promote healthy digestion, which keeps tummy-related issues at bay.

The high concentration of pectin fibre not only aids digestion but also regulates smoother bowel movements.

4. Constipation & Diarrhoea

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It contains malic acid that boosts saliva production, hence removing bacteria from the mouth. It is packed with vitamin and minerals that promote healthy teeth.

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5. Stronger Gums

So, what are you waiting for? Start filling your stock already to enjoy all these benefits. 

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