5 Things French Fry Lovers Will Relate To

By: Vaishali Kapila

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French fries are addictive, and when served hot, there's no better feeling than munching on them. If you're a true French fry lover, here are some things you'll relate to.

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1. Timing Doesn't Matter

For a true French fry lover, there's no 'right' time to have them. Whether for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, you can have them any time of the day.

2. You Don't Like Sharing

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The concept of sharing doesn't apply when you're eating French fries. You like to finish the entire serving by yourself and find it hard to share them.

3. What Dip To Pair

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Deciding what dip to pair your French fries with is always a struggle. While there are plenty of options, ketchup and mayonnaise are the ideal choice.

4. When To Eat

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You also find it hard to decide whether to have French fries before the main course or along with it. Both have their pros and cons, but it's a tough decision.

5. You've Tried Them All

Whether it's regular fries or curly fries,you've tried them all! Not only this, you've also tried different flavours such as cheese, peri peri, etc.

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To learn tips for making
 French fries perfectly

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