5 Tips To Avoid Soggy Bhel Puri

By: Vaishali Kapila

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Bhel puri tastes best when it has a slightly crispy texture. If yours doesn't turn out this way, we've got you covered with some tips to prevent it from becoming soggy.

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1. Use Fresh Ingredients

If you want your bhel puri to be crispy, use fresh ingredients. Whether it's the vegetables, masalas, or chutneys, ensure they are all fresh.

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2. Don't Mix Immediately

Bhel puri consists of dry and wet ingredients. If you mix immediately, the dry ones can end up soaking up excess moisture from the wet ones.

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3. Don't Add Excess Chutney

Chutneys help add flavour to the bhel puri, but be mindful of how much you add. Add only as much as required to ensure it doesn't get soggy.

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4. Drain Excess Moisture

Like chutney, other ingredients in the bhel puri, such as sprouts, can add moisture too. Always drain the moisture from them before adding.

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5. Refrigerate Ingredients

If you plan to make bhel puri in advance, consider refrigerating the ingredients. This trick works like magic and also gives it a cooling taste.

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For the complete recipe for bhel puri

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