5 Tips To Buy Perfect Mangoes
In Summer

By: Somdatta Saha

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In India, we get a variety of mangoes in summer. But do you get the best quality every time you purchase? Probably not. Here're some tips that will help you buy perfect mangoes.

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1. The Aroma

We often go by the colour of the peel when buying mangoes. Instead, we suggest checking the aroma and deciding on your pick.

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2. The Texture

Always press the mangoes lightly before buying. A ripe mango can easily be squeezed, unlike unripe ones.

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3. The Weight

Ripe fruits are always heavier than unripe ones. So, touch each mango and feel its weight before buying.

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4. The Look

In this case, go by your instinct. Remember, the plumper the mangoes look, the tastier they are.

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5. Avoid Carbide

Carbide disrupts the taste and aroma of the fruit. So, smell it to find out whether it has a sour or alcoholic aroma and avoid it.

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For delicious
mango dessert recipes

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