5 Tips To Enjoy Lemon Rice
Like A Pro

By: Somdatta Saha

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While the recipe looks easy, certain practices may end up ruining it completely. Fret not! We have listed some major points that one must remember while making lemon rice.

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1. Don't Overboil Rice

Make sure you cook the rice not more than 80 percent to keep it fluffy and light while enjoying the bite.

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2. Add Lemon Juice At Right Time

When you feel the rice is ready and you have tasted salt and sugar, switch off the flame and add lemon juice to it.

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3. Eat Lemon RIce At Right Hour

As per Ayurveda, acidic nature of lemon affects digestive tract, leading to digestion issues. Hence, it is better to have it for lunch.

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4. Avoid Milk After Lemon Rice

Lemon is acidic, which when paired with milk may lead to curdling, further affecting your digestion directly.

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5. Pair It Right

You can have a simple raita, sambar, and papad on the sides or enjoy it dry with achar and papad.

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Find the detailed lemon rice recipe here

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