5 Tips To Find If Your Paneer Is Safe

By: Somdatta Saha

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Paneer is one of the most popular ingredients in an Indian kitchen. But did you know, the paneer you are having might be adulterated? We've found some ways to find its purity.

1. Appearance Test

Pure paneer should have a uniform white or off-white colour with a smooth texture. Any discolouration might indicate impurities.

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2. Texture Test

Squeeze a small amount of paneer between your fingers. It should feel slightly crumbly and not overly soft or mushy.

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3. Solubility Test

Drop a small piece of paneer in a glass of water. Pure paneer will sink and stay intact.

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4. Heating Test

Heat a small piece of paneer in a pan without adding oil or water. Pure paneer will release moisture and retain its shape.

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5. Taste, Smell Test

Pure paneer has a mild, milky aroma and slightly tangy flavour. It could be contaminated if the paneer smells sour.

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Here's how you can make
soft and creamy paneer
at home

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