5 Tips To Keep Induction Stove Clean

By: Payal

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Induction stove makes cooking super easy. But like anything in the kitchen, they need a little love to stay in shape. Here's how you can keep your induction stove looking brand new.

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1. Vinegar Magic

Mix equal parts white vinegar and water, then grab a cloth, dip it in, and wipe down the surface. This combo is great for zapping those pesky stains.

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2. Baking Soda Fix

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Baking soda is the MVP of cleaning. Mix it with lukewarm water, grab a cloth, & scrub away at any stubborn spots. Your stove will be shining in no time.

3. Soapy Solution

Dampen a cloth with dish soap & warm water and give the surface a good rub. Got tougher stains? Sprinkle baking soda, let it sit for 15 mins, & wipe it clean.

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4. Safety First: Unplug It

Always unplug your induction stove before you start cleaning to avoid any electrical mishaps. And make sure it's completely cooled down first!

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5. Skip the Soak

Avoid using too much water when cleaning your stove. Excess moisture can mess with the electrical components. 

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