5 Tips To Keep Your Gram Flour Fresh

By: Payal

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Besan is a must-have in every Indian kitchen. Whether you're making pakoras or curry, you don't want spoiled besan ruining your meal. Fret not! These easy tips will help keep besan fresh.

1. Airtight Containers 

To keep gram flour fresh for the long haul, stash it in an airtight container. A glass jar works wonders because it keeps everything sealed tight. 

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2. Cool It In The Fridge 

Pop your besan in fridge for an extra layer of freshness. Just put it in an airtight container and let it chill. This trick helps keep the texture right.

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3. Add Bay Leaves

Say goodbye to creepy crawlies by tossing a couple of bay leaves into your flour jar. They're a natural way to keep those annoying insects at bay.

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4. Keep It In The Dark 

Store your besan in a cool, dark spot. Light and heat can mess with the quality, so pick a place that's out of direct sunlight to keep besan in top shape.

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5. Ditch The Moisture 

Before you store besan, make sure the container is dry. Moisture can cause lumps & spoil your flour, so keep it moisture-free for the best results.

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