5 Tips To Make Crispy Medu Vadas

By: Vaishali Kapila

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Do your medu vadas often turn soggy? Not anymore! Here, we have curated a list of easy tips that'll help you make perfectly crispy medu vadas every time. Swipe to find out.

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1. Soak The Urad Dal

For perfectly crispy medu vadas, you must soak the urad dal for at least 5 to 6 hours. Otherwise, you won't be able to grind and mix it.

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2. Don't Add Excess Water

Once the soaked urad dal is drained, grind it to make a coarse paste. Avoid adding excess water, as this will result in a runny paste.

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3. Use A Whisk To Mix

You must use a whisk to mix the urad dal paste. This will help incorporate air, ensuring your medu vadas are soft on the inside.

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4. Shape Them Well

To shape medu vadas, use four fingers to scoop a portion of the mixture and make a hole using your thumb. Remember to wet your palm before doing so.

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5. Cook On Right Temperature

It is essential to fry the medu vadas at the right temperature. Deep-fry them over a medium flame to ensure they turn golden on all sides.

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For the complete recipe for medu vada 

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