5 Tips To Make Perfect Stuffed Parathas

By: Vaishali Kapila

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There's nothing like indulging in a stuffed paratha. However, making it at home can be tricky. If you struggle with them breaking apart, here are some tips that'll be helpful.

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1. Knead Soft Dough

Ensure the dough for your stuffed parathas is soft. A stiff dough can be hard to roll, so while kneading, add a small amount of oil. 

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2. Allow The Dough To Rest

After kneading the dough, make sure to let it rest for at least 30 minutes. This aids in gluten formation and makes the dough flexible.

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3. Don't Use Hot Stuffing

If you are making stuffing for gobhi, peas, or other parathas, ensure it is at room temperature. Using warm stuffing can cause breakage.

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4. Avoid Overstuffing

If you are making stuffing for gobhi, peas, or other parathas, ensure it is at room temperature. Using warm stuffing can cause breakage.

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5. Roll With Gentle Pressure

When rolling a stuffed paratha, avoid using too much pressure. Roll it gently, flipping in between for the best results.

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For delicious paratha recipes

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