5 Tips To Make Perfect Tomato Rice

By: Vaishali Kapila

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Do you struggle to make tomato rice at home? Don't worry! With our easy tips and tricks, you'll be able to make perfectly tangy tomato rice that will leave everyone craving more.

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1. Cook The Rice Well

When cooking rice, don't rush the process. Allow it to cook for a sufficient amount of time and fluff it with a fork to separate the grains.

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2. Use Ripe Tomatoes

If you want your tomato rice to have a distinct flavour, make sure to use ripe tomatoes. If you don't, it will lack the tangy flavour you desire.

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3. Balance Out Flavours

To make perfect tomato rice, you must balance the flavours. It should have an equal amount of spiciness to complement the tanginess.

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4. Cook On The Right Flame

Always cook your tomato rice on a low to medium flame. This ensures even cooking and prevents it from being overcooked.

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5. Garnish It Well

Garnishing adds the final touch to tomato rice. To do so, use a handful of fresh coriander leaves and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

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For the complete recipe for tomato rice

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