5 Ways To Make Your Burgers Healthier

By: Jigyasa Kakwani

Image Credit: Pixabay

If you love burgers and wish you could have them more often, here are 5 effective tips to make your favourite food healthier and guilt-free. 

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1. Replace Fried Patty

Instead of eating a fried potato patty, use healthier cooking styles and ingredients, like grilled chicken patty or baked chickpea patty.

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2. Cheese Alternatives

You can still make a yummy burger by swapping the cheese with curd coleslaw mushroom sauce, hummus, or yoghurt dip.

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3. Better Burger Buns

Instead of eating a burger that has buns made from refined flour, opt for those made with whole-wheat or oats flour.

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4. Choosing Condiments

Use healthier homemade tomato, basil or pesto sauce instead of mayonnaise, mustard, and store-bought ketchup.

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5. Add More Nutrition

To make your burgers crunchy and refreshing, add fresh and taut lettuce leaves, cucumber slices, tomatoes, and roasted seeds.

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For Popular Burger Recipes

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