6 Delicious Ways To Cook Eggs

By: Dhanee Bawa

Image Credit: Pexels

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Craving some well-made eggs? Then these recipes are just for you! Here we bring 6 different ways that you can cook your eggs.

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1. Scrambled Eggs

Crack eggs into a bowl, whisk and add seasonings. Cook on a hot, greased pan, stirring continuously. For more flavour, you could add cheese or vegetables.

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2. Fried Eggs

Crack eggs onto a greased pan on medium-high heat and cook until the whites are set but the yolk is runny, to make a scrumptious sunny side up!

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3. Omelette

Whisk your eggs with salt and pepper. Pour them onto a greased pan with cheese, vegetables or meats of choice and cook on medium heat to make a fluffy omelette.

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4. Poached Eggs

Add vinegar to a pot filled with water, crack an egg into it and cook until the whites are set and the yolk is still runny, take it out and enjoy!

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5. Eggs Benedict

Poach your eggs, toast some English muffins and top each half with bacon or ham. Place a poached egg on top, drizzle with hollandaise sauce and serve! 

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6. Devilled Eggs

Cut hard-boiled eggs in half, remove the yolks and mash them with mayonnaise, mustard and seasonings. Pipe the mixture back into the egg whites and enjoy!

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For more egg recipes, click here:

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